Posted on 08/03/2019
March is the beginning of the Kidz2Adultz disability living events and in 2019 is an important year as they celebrate 10 years! As always, The Sequal Trust will be holding stalls at the events and will be on hand to discuss anything communication aid related with attendees.
What is Kidz2Adultz?
Kidz2Adultz are free events organised by Disabled Living, dedicated to exhibiting advice, resources and supplies for children and young adults with disabilities or additional needs, their carer’s, parents and professionals who work with them. Each event has between 100-180 stalls, with exhibitors such as us on hand with the most up to date advice and information to help attendees’ transition from kids to adults! Stalls have information and products relating to several areas including mobility, funding, seating, beds, communication, sensory, transition, education, housing, employment, accessible vehicle, transport, style, sports, leisure and much more!
Where Do They Take Place?
The free events take place all over the country with these dates and places confirmed so far:
Who Typically Attends?
Kidz2Adultz brings together people with disabilities and those who manufacture and supply living and communication aids that can help them to live more independent lives. Every year the events attract a broad range of people including care home managers, case managers, nursing and healthcare professionals, occupational therapists, social workers, teachers, parents and of course children and young adults with disabilities.
How Do I Attend?
All Kidz2Adultz events are free so if you’re interested in attending, just download a ticket from their website.
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